I recently received a copy of Emerson Eggerich's Love and Respect for a Lifetime to review, and I immediately thought of some of our best friends, who are getting married at the end of the year. Literally- the END of the year! Their wedding is December 31st, and really, what better way to start out 2011 than as husband and wife? I decided that, unless the book was horrifically awful, or I disagreed with some of the principles, they were going to receive my copy as a gift. I'm happy to report that they'll be getting a copy!
I originally thought this was going to be an actual book... you know, lots of paper pages covered in words? It's not. It's more of a gift book. In fact, it would make a perfect coffee table book, because each page contains a tidbit from the original Love and Respect book, and someone who just picked it up and read a page would still get good stuff out of it. In fact, I can see how you would thumb through and be inspired to purchase Eggerich's original classic. Anyhow, it's very attractive and would make a great wedding or anniversary gift... or perhaps for Valentine's Day, if your sweetheart is the book type!
Eggerich has been speaking about marriage and counseling couples for decades, and that is very evident as you glean from the wisdom contained in the pages of this book. From observations he's made to stories from couples he has counseled, the reader is sure to find a new thought that can immediately be applied to any type of relationship. Yes, the book is certainly geared toward married couples, but I feel sure that even a single person could gain a new perspective toward the opposite sex, and how to relate in non-romantic relationships.
So, bottom-line, I recommend it. In fact, I might pick up the original Love and Respect- I'm thankful for Eggerich's wisdom, and have already applied some of his principles to my marriage.
I used a random name generator, and the winner is... Heather! Congrats! Keep your eyes open for a package from me!
Disclaimer: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze book review bloggers program. The opinions expressed in this review are my own.